Getting to Know Each Other
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Radiant Church a great one!

Service Times
Radiant Church meets most Sundays at 10:00am. We also livestream our service to our website.
However, on the first Sunday of each month, we gather in Central Park West to throw a community picnic for our friends and neighbors. You are most welcome to join us there, as well!
Location and Directions
Radiant church meets on the campus of Grace Lutheran Church: 6931 Edinger Ave, Huntington Beach. We gather in “Hope Hall” which is located just behind the sanctuary. Look for the Radiant Church flag, follow the signs to Hope Hall, or ask any of the friendly people in the courtyard for help if have trouble finding us!
What Can I Expect?
In total, a Radiant service is about an hour in length. Services begin with a welcome by a member of our staff or leadership team, followed by a testimony from one of our mission partners. We then sing a couple of modern worship songs before hearing an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus from one of the pastors or teaching team. Following the message, we spend time reflecting on the message we heard through silent prayer and singing. We then celebrate Holy Communion together around our tables. All who profess faith in Jesus are welcome to join in this family meal. We conclude the service with a sending (also called a benediction) and a reminder to “Go, be the Church!”
Sundays at Radiant are usually fun, casual, and relaxed. This isn’t your typical church service. We gather in an informal setting around tables in order to foster community and conversation. Coffee and donuts are served on the patio and you’re welcome to bring them into the worship space as well. Dress casually and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. We are a small, multi-generation church that is very friendly. As such, it will be hard for you to “hide.” We look forward to meeting you!
We believe that kids should feel welcome and enjoy coming to church each and every week. We encourage you to arrive at 9:45am in order to check in your kids to the age-appropriate classroom. However, kids of all ages are always welcome to stay in worship with their parents.
Plan a Visit Today!
We would love to meet you and help you feel at home here at Radiant Church. contact us below and a member of our team would love to connect with you.